About Gram Panchayat?
A Gram Panchayat is a local governing body in Indian villages that acts as the village's cabinet. It is the lowest tier of the Panchayati Raj system, a three-tier structure of local self-government in India.
Here's some information about Gram Panchayats in West Bengal:
Structure : The West Bengal Panchayat Act of 1973 established a three-tier Panchayati Raj system, with Gram Panchayats at the lowest level, Panchayati Samitis at the block level, and Zilla Parishads at the district level.
Duties :
Gram Panchayats have many duties, including:
- Sanitation, drainage, and conservancy
- Preventing public nuisances
- Providing drinking water
- Maintaining public streets
- Registering births and deaths
- Organizing community works
Gram Panchayat Management System (GPMS)
This software helps Gram Panchayats with accounting and citizen services, such as issuing certificates and assessing taxes.
The British colonial state began the Panchayati Raj system in West Bengal in the late 19th century. The Bengal Chowkidari Act of 1870, the Ripon Resolutions of 1882, and the Bengal Local Self Government Act of 1885 were some of the early steps in this process.
What Posts Come Under Gram Panchayat?
The posts that come under a Gram Panchayat are:
Sarpanch: The executive head of the Gram Panchayat, also known as the president. The Sarpanch is elected by the ward members and is responsible for leading the Gram Panchayat.
Deputy Sarpanch: Elected by the members of the Gram Panchayat.
Panch: A representative elected by each ward.
Secretary: The administrative head of the Gram Panchayat.
The Gram Panchayat is a basic governing institution in Indian villages. It is a political institution that acts as the cabinet of a village or group of villages. The Gram Panchayat is governed by an elected body and administration.
Gram Panchayat Syllabus
The syllabus for Gram Panchayat exams is prescribed depending on the post being applied for:
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Gram Panchayat Exam Pattern
The exam pattern for Gram Panchayat exams is prescribed depending on the post being applied for:
Gram Panchayat Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for a West Bengal Gram Panchayat post, candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Be at least 18 years old and not more than 40 years old as of January 1, 2024
- Have a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution
- Have a computer diploma, such as a Diploma in Computer Application or Diploma in Computer Science
- Have completed Higher Secondary education
Gram Panchayat Salary
The salary of a Gram Panchayat Secretary in India varies depending on the state and the role:
Gram Panchayat Secretary : The median salary for a Gram Panchayat Secretary in India is ₹21,500 per month, with a base pay range of ₹18,000–₹25,000 per month.
Gram Panchayat Secretary in West Bengal : The estimated total pay range for a Gram Panchayat Secretary in West Bengal is ₹3,00,000 per year, with an average base salary of ₹3,00,000 per year.
Gram Panchayat in West Bengal : The salary for a Gram Panchayat in West Bengal ranges from ₹28,900–₹74,500 per month, including perks and allowances.
Gram Panchayats are responsible for many tasks, including:
- Constructing and maintaining roads, water sources, drainage, and school buildings
- Collecting local taxes
- Implementing government schemes to create employment in the village
- The president of a Gram Panchayat is called the "Pradhan" or "Sarpanch" in Northern India.
To get a good result in Gram Panchayat exams, first you need to know the syllabus, then you have to research the previous year questions of that exam. Only then can you understand what kind of questions come in the exam. Online Mock Tests from Previous Year Question Papers are uploaded daily on our website for Gram Panchayat exam preparation. Candidates keep an eye on these Previous Year Question Online Mock Tests regularly and continue your preparation.
These sets are prepared from previous year question papers of different years of Gram Panchayat exam. Previous year questions play a very important role in the preparation of any Gram Panchayat exam.
These Previous Year Question Online Mock Tests have been prepared keeping in mind the preparation of Gram Panchayat candidates. These sets will be very useful especially for those candidates who are going to take the exam in Bengali language.
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